Privacy policy

Within Åkerblads i Tällberg AB ( 556156-1027) we process personal data for users and customers. We safeguard your privacy and comply with applicable legislation at all times aimed at protecting you as a private individual. Below, Åkerblads i Tällberg AB is called Åkerblads.

Åkerblads is responsible for personal data, that means all information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a person.

We endeavour to maintain a high level of protection for personal integrity. Åkerblads uses personal data primarily to administer, provide, develop and process your bookings, optimise your experience and personalise communication with you. Please read this Privacy Policy to learn for what purposes we process your personal data. By providing your personal data to us and agreeing to the applicable terms and conditions, you consent to the storage and processing of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If the law requires a more specific consent from you, we will of course ask for it.

This Privacy Policy and any other terms and conditions governing Åkerblads processing of personal data are hereinafter referred to as the ”Privacy Terms”. The Privacy Policy sets out the basis for how we process personal data that you provide to us when making a booking or that we collect about you.

Changes to this privacy policy are announced by publishing the new terms and conditions on Åkerblads website under the ”About us” tab and we therefore recommend that you read them.

If you add personal data about other persons, you are responsible for ensuring that Åkerblads may also process such personal data in accordance with the applicable privacy terms.


Åkerblads collects and processes your personal data only if it is permitted by law. Collection and processing may occur when you use different types of services, such as making a booking or during and after your stay. We use different methods to collect personal data such as telephone, email or online bookings. Member services where you have given your consent, such as newsletters or mailings.

When it is required by law that consent is obtained for the processing of certain types of personal data or for certain forms of processing, consent will be obtained from you before further processing takes place.


We only collect personal data that is relevant for the current purpose. The information that may be collected includes, for example, information about your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, information about your travelling companionship, booking preferences, payments, requirements for special diets, requirements for disabled access and other information you provide.

When you provide the above information to Åkerblads, you also give your consent for Åkerblads to process and store it in accordance with the privacy policy. This occurs until you request Erasure, the right to have all data and information deleted about you.


Åkerblads collects personal data for various purposes. What personal data that is collected and how  depends on which of our services you use.

Åkerblads uses personal data to:

Administer, provide, develop and maintain the services you use.

Process your bookings and orders for our services.

Contact you by telephone, letter, e-mail or otherwise to notify you of your booking status or on

information related to your booking before, during and after your stay with us.

Diagnose errors and be able to contact you in case of problems with a booking or the performance of services.

Individualising communication with you regarding our services e.g. by creating a profile for you and sending offers that fit your profile.

Analyse statistics and user behaviour regarding our services we think you would appreciate.

You have the right at any time and free of charge to request that Åkerblads does not process your personal data for marketing purposes or to withdraw your consent to this. You can exercise this right by contacting Åkerblads.


Åkerblads stores personal data in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable legislation. Personal data will not be transferred to third parties, with the exception of the following requirements from authorities. Personal data will not otherwise be transferred or misused.

If, for example, the police or other authorities request the disclosure of personal data relating to the investigation of a criminal offence, or if Åkerblads is otherwise obliged to disclose such information on the basis of law or an official decision, this will be done.


Åkerblads has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against e.g. loss, manipulation or unauthorised access. We continuously adapt our security measures to the ongoing technical development.

The data is stored by Åkerblads own servers and managed by authorised personnel. Åkerblads uses selected subcontractors in case of e.g. data failure or service. These suppliers have limited access and logging systems with what is handled on Åkerblads server. This is so that we can ensure a high level of protection for your personal data.

Åkerblads deletes personal data in accordance with applicable law at any given time. This means, for example, that Åkerblads deletes or anonymises personal data when the purpose for processing the personal data no longer exists.

Storage of personal data is stored unless otherwise stated in accordance with the Swedish Accounting Act’s requirement of seven years. The purpose of our processing of your personal data is stated above and in the privacy terms.


When booking our services with partners, there may be links to other applications and/or websites that are not controlled by Åkerblads. This Privacy Policy is only applicable to your use of the services controlled by Åkerblads. Åkerblads is not responsible for the content of linked applications/websites and the processing of personal data that may be carried out by the owners or operators of linked websites.


If your personal data changes, please inform Åkerblads of this by sending a message to the address indicated. Åkerblads is not responsible for problems arising from old or inaccurate personal data if you have failed to inform us of the change.

Åkerblads will, at your request or when Åkerblads discovers it, correct or delete inaccurate or incomplete information. You also have the right to, free of charge, obtain an extract showing which of your personal data is being processed or stored.

Requests for extracts must be made in writing to Åkerblads, to the address stated, and must be hand-delivered, personally signed by you and contain information about your name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address (used in communication with Åkerblads).

The extract will be sent to your registered address within a reasonable time after the application has been received by Åkerblads.

You may at any time withdraw your consent to further processing (not retroactively) of your personal data by contacting Åkerblads at the address stated,  whereupon Åkerblads will prevent such information from being further processed. However, you are advised that withdrawal of consent will affect your future visits to Åkerblads, in that Åkerblads will no longer have knowledge of e.g. allergies and contact details.


Åkerblads uses cookies on its digital services.

Information about cookies.


If Åkerblads reorganises or otherwise transfers all or parts of its business, your personal data may be transferred at the same time.


If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding Åkerblads processing of personal data and compliance with the privacy terms or applicable law regarding the protection of personal data, please send a letter to Åkerblads Hotell, Sjögattu 2, 793 70 Tällberg, Sweden.